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Majenta's Journey

In 2021, Majenta Music was brought to life by its Owner & Director, Jen Barnard, driven by her commitment to nurturing youth music education, supporting instrumental music specialists, and empowering school music programs.


Majenta Music derives its identity and draws inspiration from the vibrant colour magenta, symbolising passion, creativity, and individuality. Just as magenta represents harmony and balance in all aspects of life, our mission at Majenta Music is to nurture and elevate individuals physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually through the transformative power of music.


Our journey began with a proud partnership with Living Faith Lutheran Primary School. Through our ongoing collaboration, we've had the opportunity to develop and implement tailor-made immersion and instrumental programs for the school community.


Looking forward to 2024, Majenta Music is excited to collaborate with Mt Maria College Petrie to launch a brand new Instrumental Music Program. We are thrilled to contribute to the establishment of this program, and eagerly await its growth and success in enhancing the musical experiences of students and the wider community.


At Majenta Music, we are dedicated to providing students with high-quality music tuition, nurturing their holistic musical development, and making the process of learning an instrument an enjoyable and rewarding experience.


In addition to our commitment to students, we prioritise the well-being and growth of our specialists. This includes offering part-time employment, ensuring their financial security in the private sector. Furthermore, we provide continuous opportunities for professional development, allowing specialists to enrich their teaching skills and deepen their musical knowledge.


We invite you to choose Majenta Music as your music school of choice and join us in this incredible journey where passion, creativity, and individuality thrive.

Image by Vlad Bagacian
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